Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Barnabe Barnes, 1593: Sonnet XLVIII

Barnaby Barnes: 1593
Parthenophil means one who loves young women platonically.
Parthenophe was a siren in Homer's "Ulysses".

Barnabe Barnes Parthenophil and Parthenophe (1593): Sonnet XLVIII

I wish no rich refinde Arabian gold
     Nor Orient Indian pearle rare natures wonder,
     No Diamondes th' Aegiptian surges vnder,
     No Rubyes of America deare sold,

Nor Saphyres which rich Affrike sandes ensold
     Treasures far distant, from this Isle a sender,
     Barbarian Iuories in contempt I hold:
     But onely this, this onely Venus graunt

That I my sweet Pathenophe may get:
     Her heires no grace of golden wyers want
     Pure pearles with perfect Rubines are in set,

True Dyamondes in eyes, Saphires in vaynes,
     Nor can I that soft Iuory skinne forget:
     England in one small subiect such containes.


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